

The PUREMOD glove box is a glove box designed for processes under controlled atmosphere.

Its ultra high performance is suitable for any industrial or experimental development requiring modularity and high atmospheric purity. It is particularly recommended for the integration of scientific instrumentation, measurement and analysis devices and in the improvement of processes.



  • Materials science and polymers
  • Synthetic chemistry
  • Assembly and characterization of lithium-ion batteries
  • Energy storage
  • Development of organic devices
  • Biology and all strict anaerobic atmospheres
  • Innovative materials, materials chemistry, silicone chemistry
  • Aeronautical welding of titanium parts


The PUREMOD is a modular glove box. Very complete and perfectly equipped, its main assets are flexibility, modularity and incredible performance. It is available as a single-sided or double-sided workstation. It is equipped with an autonomous purification unit, an automatic pressure regulation without vacuum pump, a transfer airlock with automatic cycle, a 21m3/h double-stage vacuum pump, a purification unit with automatic regeneration and H2O and/or O2 analyzers.

It is also equipped with a high-definition, easy-to-read 7” touch screen. The newly developed HMI interface allows intuitive and easy-to-use navigation. Adjustable parameters and continuous recording with plotted data (H20, O2, Pr, T) allow end-users to work efficiently in complete safety. The PLC interface integrates support and maintenance management for optimal trouble-free operation.

The CORE-10 purification unit is an H2O and/or O2 purification system which has been completely redesigned by our R&D and Innovation office. It has a new design based on our 75 years of experience in the purification of neutral gases. Its extended purification capacities (45L O2 – 1250g H2O) have been calculated to allow users to carry out experiments with complete peace of mind in large volume glove boxes. Its autonomy also makes it possible to consider step-by-step processes under controlled, reproducible and stable atmospheric conditions. As usual, Jacomex’ unique brand of technical know-how has delivered undeniable advantages to many customers, such as stability and quality of atmosphere, long-lasting keeping of purity, regenerations spaced out over time, reduced operating costs and reduced maintenance.

Naturally, the model comes equipped with our original Eco-Energy mode (Energy Saving Mode 24/24) as standard: In a process of reducing energy needs, respecting the planet and committing against obsolescence, Jacomex was the original designer of the Economic Operating Mode 15 years ago. This mode has been developed in order to increase the lifespan of the components and to prolong their reliability over time. Unlike some models on the market, our Energy Saving Mode 24/24 is continuously operational, not only in standby mode (excluding manipulations) but also in use (during manipulations).

The PUREMOD is a versatile purified glove box model with a flexible, adaptable standard design. Each project developed on the basis of PUREMOD gives access to simplified personalized project management. We guarantee you technical support, modeling on 3D plans as well as a verification of the technical and ergonomic layout adapted to your specifications. The PUREMOD benefits from a wide range of options and equipment providing enhanced technical quality and increased comfort of use. The configurable automatic purge of the glove box controlled by H2O/O2 levels and safety doors can, for example, be useful for securing your installation.